
5 Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

There is a conundrum surrounding successful entrepreneurs – are they gifted at birth and born with certain qualities or do they acquire them over time? Whatever the case, successful entrepreneurs have illuminated our understanding of basic objects and ideas; and transformed them into meaningful resources for us. In this blog, we explore 5 common habits of successful entrepreneurs.

In this blog, we dissect 5 of the most important habits of entrepreneurs. Let’s jump straight in

  • They Are Innately Curious

The phrase curiosity is the mother of invention may sound old and cliché to you, but for entrepreneurs live by this golden phrase every day of their lives. They are naturally inquisitive, and look for answers rather than question.

Look no further than Newton, who discovered the phenomenon of gravity after an apple fell on his head or Elon Musk, with his portfolio of sustainable products for present and future. Entrepreneurs are far-sighted – and with the help of knowledge – they take bold and wise steps for a wider cause.

  • They Have An Unflinching Discipline and Focus

Great entrepreneurs fall down 7 times to get back up on the 8th. They are obsessed with the end-goal and leave no stone unturned in their quest to achieve greatness and immortality. Remember, how many times you sit down with your friends for a cup of tea, and discuss all sorts of business ideas. Why is it that none of those ideas come to fruition?

It is perhaps because we lack discipline, and lack a clear direction. Successful entrepreneurs plan way ahead of time and stay focused at their goal no matter what. Do not forget, Jeff Bezos started Amazon as a book rental service – his vision made it the biggest company in the world.

  • They Communicate

Networking is an extremely important component to a successful entrepreneur’s journey.  They talk less and listen more. They have conditioned their mind to absorb knowledge of all forms. Successful entrepreneurs know they cannot win a battle on their own, and hence, do not hesitate from working with people smarter than them.

As the saying goes, your network is your net worth; successful entrepreneurs build relationships that benefit them in the long run.

  • They Set Realistic Goals

Successful entrepreneurs are wise in that they set realistic and measurable goals, and then break them into smaller goals. I recall my brother’s example, who now owns 3 car showrooms. He started by purchasing a Dodge Charger from scrap, restoring it and selling it an enthusiast. Whatever money he made out of it, he pumped it into the business and just under 12 months, he had a fleet of 5 cars.

The point is, if you want to be successful, you need to be extremely diligent and pragmatic; for if you rush things, it will all come tumbling down.

  • They Know How To Make A Difference In The Society

I’m not going to run through the definition of who an entrepreneur is – because you precisely know who they are. What you might not know however is that successful entrepreneurs know how to strike a balance between fulfilling social responsibilities and making money.

Take the example of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is by far the largest philanthropic organization in the world – with net assets close to $48 billion.

The point being entrepreneurs see an opportunity and seize it; all the while taking care of the community around them.

So, those were the 5 common habits of successful entrepreneurs. Hope you take a leaf out of their book!

“In the age of transparency, honesty, and generosity, even in the form of an apology, generate goodwill.” Alexander Asseily
